
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Cutting your hair

I don't know if its just me and my family but they looooooooove short hair. 
Before my hair can barely be at chest length, they need to chop it off. This makes me upset. I mean, I've always wanted nice long hair like everyone else but then it never lasts ....

Does anyone feel me? 
I don't like the constant need to cut my hair so often and I have to go through that long process of growing it back which leads to the horrible growing out stage that looks gross. 


so yeah. 

bye bye hair :(

Wednesday 30 October 2013

My 8 minutes

So recently, I finished watching "extremely loud and incredibly close"

[ If you haven't watched it, please do. It's truly an amazing film ]

In the film, the boy, Oskar, mentions that if the Sun exploded, it would take approx 8 minutes before we can feel the damage. So for that 8 mins, we would still have light and we would still be warm. He compares that to his father, who died in 9/11. A year after his father died, he could still feel that 8 minutes with him and he didn't want those 8 minutes to slip away. 

Today was the last day of school. Next year, we are all going our separate ways and we would be meeting less often. The holidays are going to be so lonely..... however, I'm still basking in the "8 Minutes" I have with them. I still feel them close and I don't want this time space to end. 


oh and If any of you reads this, here is virtual hug for you. 

Till the next time I see you guys..... buhbye.

Monday 14 October 2013


Hey guys!

So exams have ended and I've been painting a lot. This reminds me of the magic that happens.
magic happens. 

When I paint, you see, normal people use a paintbrush and draw a pretty picture and everything is all fine....but no. For me, after painting, I have paint literally everywhere and the best thing is, I don't even remember it.

I have paint on my hair
I have paint on my table
I have paint on my arms
I have paint on the cupboard on top of me

Imagine sneezing with a nose bleed. yep. Now swap the blood with paint

And there I am, cleaning everything up because I am a naughty child with bad painting skills.....
but one day I will learn the magic behind that weirdly-appears-everywhere-paint

Till, next time internet, [wish me luck on my paints]

Monday 23 September 2013

Bad Bus Ride

I really need to rant about that unpleasant bus journey.
Like really.

So, I was waiting for the bus to come and unfortunately, it took a while so I boarded the next bus that would take me the nearest to my house. Brilliant.


The bus driver was a flippin mad driver. Probably had a bad day or something. It was quite crowded, so I decided to lean against the railings near the steps of the double decker bus steps. I was beside it mind you. NOT blocking it. The bus driver got out of his seat, stood up and shooed us in to make space [which may I include, WAS FOR NO ONE SO FAR] 

I was going to get off at the next stop, so I thought I should just hang around, cause I was not blocking anyone and the insides were all without railings. I would fall.  BUT HE COULD NOT TAKE ANY OF THE NONSENSE. 

He proceeded to yell at me in some language I DONT UNDERSTAND. Well thank you kind sir, what a pleasant ride. The lady in front of me was also very pleasant. She angrily shooed me down disapprovingly and said I was blocking the staircase. 

Hold up madame.
 FOR ONE, I was not blocking. 
TWO, I was getting off soon. 
THREE. What did I do to you?

I just swallowed it in and walked to the centre of the mass chunk of people. I was losing my balance. My hands were full, wrists breaking and here I am with other people glaring at me as I narrowly miss them. I did not hurt anyone nor even touch anyone FYI.

I'm so glad that unpleasant bus ride ended quickly. I was fuming mad. I don't get mad easily but both of them were on my nerves

what was worse, I realised the bus I needed to take zoomed past me. And I was left storming down the long stretch of road before I could reach home........ 

Okay, anger let out now...
Hope you guys had a better day(:


Sunday 22 September 2013

Layered music

Have you ever cried till you want to pull your eyes out and then it hurts so freaking much
Because all you have been doing is this

And then you're like

Because after that you get ugly. 
Face it
It's true

Well...... If you have been crying darling,
go get tissues
go get hold of internet

It's so good, I can't even


[truly madly deeply]

[give me love(layered 4 times over alternating in each ear)]

okay, buhbye guys 
here are some goodnight kisses

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Clumsy potato

Hey guys haven't made a post in a while.... ahahah IM SORRY

Well today, I did something embarrassing again *surprise surprise*
I fell on the bus and stepped real hard on someone's foot. Oopsie

And um what followed was 

He kinda hated me after than I mean what can I say.. it hurt.
Worse part was he didn't say anything to me but blatantly and loudly complained about how painful it was to his friends. Typical. 

good thing he dropped off at the next stop.... 

and if you see this, boy,

for 1. crushing your foot
    2. blogging about it 

Till next time guys.